Saturday, December 6, 2014

My first post, just a little about me

So I have finally decided to start a blog. Yes I have named it Dystonia Dawn, but it is not going to be just about that, what am I crazy?

I am sure it is going to be boring to most people ha ha. But what if I reach just one person that has, or is going through the same thing as me? Well then it is all worth it to write about what I am going through or what I have went through.

So welcome to my mind and my world, welcome to me, Dystonia Dawn! Many people may read this and be like, OMG look at all these grammatical errors, does she know anything? Well, if you are one of those, let me first point out that I don’t care ha ha. If I did I would not be starting a blog or anything of the sort were I am expressing my thoughts.

I am a dynamic individual as every person is with many likes, dislikes and views, regardless of my disabilities. It is just that the Internet has enabled regular people like me to express them selves to the world. I suppose you just have to not care and be willing to except other people’s criticism when you do something like this so publically.

So more about me, I am a microbiologist/scientist (even if I am not able to work at the moment). I am a wife, a mother, a Christian, an artist, a photographer and a dreamer. But I am also someone who has been through a lot, seen a lot and now  who finally has a name for her medical condition, well at least for the main ones lol.

Ok lets be honest, I have Dopa-Responsive Dystonia, probably a mild case ( man I feel for those with the worse cases) and it is a struggle every single day and has been for many years. The pain is absolutely horrible, and I would not wish this on my worse enemy! But I don’t have just that, I will be honest I have PTSD (from a hard childhood ant etc). And both of these cause other problems which I may or may not talk about later, it all just depends on my mood on what I share with this world. And honestly most will probably not read any of this. But I am still going to write it.

So to those suffering, to those are wondering, know what you are going through, you are not alone. There is at lease one person who can relate and understand.

I send prayers and blessings to everyone! And I hope I actually write more than just this one post. I like to finish things when I start themJ

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